Pediatric Pain Relief

One of the most difficult things to witness is a child in pain. Whether your kid suffers from occasional tummy aches, is recovering from a broken limb or is enduring a more serious injury or illness, you are likely looking for ways to help alleviate their suffering. Pain medications can help but when used with developing brains and nervous systems, are often difficult to calibrate and side effects can be problematic.

Many parents are looking for answers that will augment their child’s medical team’s recommendations – Mindful Hypnosis provides those answers in quick and easy-to-do techniques that take advantage of a kid’s natural inclination toward imaginative play. Kelley, with her many years of pediatric hypnosis experience, collects a wide range of recipes that both adults and kids will enjoy using.

Mindful Hypnosis, the practical use of harnessed and focused attention, employs both conscious and subconscious thought processes to elicit change in perception. Changing the way your child thinks about their pain experience changes the way they feel. People who feel better...heal better. Kids are people, too!

Both adults and kids will find the contents of this book useful in helping them gain comfort from pain, stress and anxiety.


Secrets of the River


Integrative Hypnosis for Kids and Teens